If you haven’t yet found our page on Facebook, please take a few minutes to visit and follow us. We are always hosting competitions, giving updates and more on the page.
We’ve just updated our shop to include many more gift packs. You can now find all our individual sticker types available as gift packs including a sheet of the personalised sticker theme, a sheet of mini reward stickers and a sheet of colourful smiley stickers!
These sticker gift packs are perfect for your teaching friends for christmas or a birthday. Are you taking part in secret santa at work? You can find options for only $10 each!
Thanks for coming to visit. We’ve made some big changes for Teacher Stickers including:
Updating the look and feel of the website
Reducing the minimum order quantity to 70 stickers for $7 (excluding shipping)
Creating better, more useful and easy to read invoices.
New membership plans including automatic 10% discounts for every subsequent order after your first (If you’ve already bought from us in the past. This has already been added to your existing account!
Lots of other fun stuff in the background.
We hope you enjoy the new website. Please let us know if you find anything that isn’t working properly or that you think we could improve.
If you are a returning customer, welcome back, and please use the reset password option on the login page (security measure won’t allow us to transfer your password from the old website).
Follow us on facebook and instagram to see our latest designs, be notified when we have a sale and keep up to date with exciting news happening at Teacher Stickers HQ. Dismiss